Rare Rainbow Grape Seeds
Rainbow Grape Such a shrubby perennial liana as a cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera) is related to the genus of grapes of the grape family. In the wild, this species can not be met. It was born in ancient times from wild forest grapes, which were distributed from the southern coast of the Caspian Sea to the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
In the southern regions, Rainbow Grape can reach a length of 30 to 40 meters, while in the middle latitudes it does not exceed 3 meters. A branch of such a plant clings to the support with tendrils. The old trunks are covered with a deep-furrowed brown bark that separates. The color of young stems is pale yellow or light red. Alternate whole leaf plates consist of 3 or 5 lobes and have petioles. The loose or dense paniculate inflorescence consists of small pale green bisexual flowers. Various forms of bunches consist of juicy fruits, inside which there are 1-4 seeds, there are varieties without seeds at all. The color of the fruit is different, for example: green, purple-black, yellow, pink and dark red. As a rule, there is a waxy coating on the surface of the fruit. Such a plant lives for a very long time, namely, 130-150 years.
Rainbow Grape skin is thin and juicy, sweet and sour, nutritious and has the reputation of Crystal Pearl.
The much admired, extra large-fruited top breed guarantees you perfect grape enjoyment without seeds.
Cultivate interest in planting and cultivate feelings. Can also improve your horticultural design ability and make your garden overcrowded and fruitful.
Anti-anemia, grapes also has anti-pernicious anemia role of vitamin B12, often drink red wine, beneficial for the treatment of pernicious anemia; in addition to the direct consumption of grapes, it can also be processed into raisins, wine, juice, vinegar, canned and jams.